Just download the Russian portable version and use it.

If you have a Portable version, the crack will not help you. You can change the language from Chinese to Russian in iTools 3 with the help of a localization program, which you need to download especially for your version of the program. Working with a Russifier to change the language in iTools. Instructions for changing the language in iTools Also, to use the program in Russian, you can use a localizer or an installation file with built-in language support. You can download the iTools utility immediately in Russian by going to the site or scroll below. On the official website of the developers, the program is available for free in Chinese and English. The utility is a convenient and multifunctional file manager with a wide range of options for managing, updating, storing, deleting, processing data available on a computer and mobile device. Convenient Russian version of iTools without problems. So iTools allows you to automatically convert audio and video formatsby installing any desired content on a smartphone or tablet, regardless of the player's encoding and its duration.

The program allows you to exchange applications and games, media files, books and other data, including from the phone book and SMS between a computer and an iOS mobile device, or directly between gadgets, while avoiding many of the restrictions inherent in iTunes. In this article, we will look at all the ways to change the language in the application. For comfortable use in iTools, you need to change the language to Russian or English. The program is originally delivered in Chinese.

ITools is a toolkit alternative to iTunes, developed by Hong Kong programmers, and is rapidly conquering the owners of Apple mobile devices with its functional variety and ease of use.